Burlington Habitat Areas
The Burlington State Habitat Area is a 386-acre property consisting of two parcels in the Town of Burlington in Southwest Racine County. The northern parcel is a 226-acre area located by Durand Avenue (Hwy 11) and the southern parcel is a 160-acre area south of Hwy 142. Parking on the southern parcel is located south of HWY 142 on Hoosier Creek Road and the northern parcel parking is located off Durand Avenue (Hwy 11) by way of a gravel drive at fire lane markers 30711 / 30715 / 30717.
The two parcels are dominated by wetlands comprising of wet meadow, cattail marsh, and lowland shrub. The northern parcel wetlands also include a 5-acre shallow marsh flowage and 7 scrapes. Upland habitat on these parcels includes grasslands, shrubland, and woodlands. The northern parcel has more extensive grassland and woodland areas.
Both parcels provide waterfowl hunting opportunities through different means of access. The main wetland access for the southern parcel is by the Unnamed ditch off Wheatland Road or the Fox River Tributary. These waterways provide access to the cattail marsh area and shallow marsh openings. For the northern parcel, wetland access is walk-in from the parking lot. The shallow flowage is off the parking lot trail and the scrapes are scattered in the wetland area east of Hoosier Creek.
Both parcels provide deer hunting opportunities; however, the more extensive upland area on the northern parcel provides additional upland game hunting opportunities- turkey, small game, and pheasants. The northern parcel is stocked with pheasants once a week for the first 3 weeks, and every other week for the remainder of the season.
The property was created in 2007. Prior to the state purchasing the parcel, the muck soil farm was farmed for cash crops. In cooperation with the USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service, wetlands were restored by means of berm construction, breaking of drainage tiles and plugging of ditches. One small flowage and seven scrapes were created through this process and diverse prairies were planted in the upland areas.
Management Objectives
Burlington Habitat Area is identified as a place for managing high-quality wetland communities of statewide significance within the Southeast Glacial Plains Ecological Landscape according to Wisconsin's Wildlife Action Plan. It is managed to provide opportunities for public hunting, fishing, trapping and other outdoor recreation while protecting the qualities of the unique native communities and associated species found on the property. Grasslands are managed and maintained through prescribed burning, mowing and herbicide use to limit brush encroachment and encourage vigorous grasslands. Wetlands are managed through limited disturbance to prevent the spread of reed canary grass. Populations of invasive species are controlled or eliminated by cutting, pulling, burning, herbicide treatment and/or bio-control.
Due to the wet nature of the southern parcel, habitat management is limited to invasive plant management and spot brush mowing in upland areas.
The Burlington Habitat Areas offers many recreational opportunities:
- Birding
- Canoeing
- Hiking (no designated trail)
- Hunting (pheasant stocking on northern parcel only)
- Burlington High School borders the west side of the property. Hunting is not allowed 1700 feet from the high school.
- Trapping
- Snowmobiling trail (northern parcel only)
- Wildlife viewing
- Bathroom - none.
- Parking lot - yes.
- Campground and size - none.
- Trails, Types and Lengths - non-designated trail only.
- Other amenities - White River Bike Trail.
If you are interested in exploring this property further, you can access an interactive map.
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