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Nagel Wildlife Area

Nagel Wildlife Areas


The Nagel Wildlife Area is a 205-acre property located in central St. Croix County. The property was donated in 2009 by the Kinnickinnic River Land Trust. The acquisition and donation were made possible through generous donations from the Vern and Becky Nagel Family, Ducks Unlimited and the Kinnickinnic, Indianhead and Racine chapters of Pheasants Forever. The property consists of grassland and restored wetland habitat. The property is managed as part of the Western Prairie Habitat Restoration Area, a landscape-scale wetland and grassland restoration project.

The property is located 7 miles southeast of New Richmond. From New Richmond, Follow Highway 65 south for 1 mile then turn east on County Highway G for 5 miles. Turn south on County Road T for 1 mile, then west on 140th Ave for about 1/2 mile. The property is located on the north side of 140th Avenue.

Management Objectives

The property is managed to provide opportunities for public hunting, fishing, trapping, wildlife observation and other nature-based outdoor recreation. Management objectives aim to maintain an open grassland community through prescribed fire, mechanical and chemical control of woody species and limited haying and grazing. Populations of invasive species are controlled or eliminated by cutting, pulling, burning, herbicide treatment and/or biocontrol.

Visit the property planning for more information on master planning for this and other wildlife areas around the state.


The Nagel Wildlife Area offers many recreational opportunities:

  • Birding
  • Cross-country skiing (no designated trail)
  • Falconry (by permit)
  • Hiking (designated trail)
  • Hunting (noted for pheasant, deer, turkey and small game)
  • Snowshoeing
  • Trapping
  • Wild edible/gathering
  • Wildlife viewing

Information from partners

Kinnickinnic River Land Trust
Ducks Unlimited
Pheasants Forever


  • Bathroom - none.
  • Parking lot - one parking area is available.
  • Campground and size - none.
  • Trails, Types and Lengths - designated trails.


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Adopt a Fish or Wildlife Area


This wildlife area has been adopted by Nagel Family.