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I manufacture a product for treating infectious waste. How do I get approval to market my product in Wisconsin?

Wisconsin does not review, approve, accept or reject specific products or technologies for treating infectious waste. We only have the authority to regulate facilities such as generators, storage facilities, treatment facilities and incinerators. If a facility uses your technology, it may need to be licensed under s. NR 502.08, Wis. Adm. Code [exit DNR], and meet all the requirements listed in s. NR 526.12, Wis. Adm. Code [exit DNR].

May I use "product X" to treat my infectious waste in Wisconsin?

Yes, if the product treats your waste type(s) according to the standards set in ch. 526, Wis. Adm. Code [exit DNR]. General treatment standards are in s. NR 526.11. Special requirements for sharps are in s. NR 526.11(2)(c). You must also follow specific requirements when treating waste, according to s. NR 526.12.

I want to start a trauma scene cleanup business. What DNR requirements apply?

Please refer to the medical waste rules page for a link to the regulations that apply and citations for basic safety requirements and administrative requirements. Please note that other requirements may apply, such as the federal Department of Transportation rules.

Only certain wastes are infectious; do not bag up things that are not infectious waste. See s. NR 526.05, Wis. Adm. Code. It may be necessary to separate or cut and remove portions of the furnishings and building materials, if they are saturated and dripping with blood or make flake dried blood.

Your firm must contain and handle infectious waste safely. The waste may be stored on-site but should be locked up. See ss. NR 526.07 through 09.

To transport waste away from the premises, you either need to contract with a licensed infectious waste transporter or obtain an infectious waste transportation license yourself, as required in s. NR 526.10. Visit Waste facility and transporter licenses for more information, including a list of licensed infectious waste transporters and instructions for obtaining a license.

If you become an infectious waste transporter and intend to store infectious waste, even overnight, before transporting it to an infectious waste treatment facility, you must also obtain a storage facility license. See s. NR 526.09, Wis. Adm. Code [exit DNR], for more information.