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Brooks Farms Dairy LLC CAFO Permit

Brooks Farms Dairy is an existing Concentrated Animal Feeding Operation (CAFO) located in Waupaca County.  A Wisconsin Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (WPDES) permit was issued by the DNR to the facility on March 24, 2022 and became effective April 1, 2022. CAFO WPDES permits are water quality protection permits designed to ensure proper storage and handling of manure from larger-scale livestock operations. The WPDES permit program does not have authority to address odor, noise, traffic or other issues not related to water quality.

WPDES permit application update

On April 11, 2023, plans and specifications were conditionally approved by the department for the construction of a Two Anaerobic Digester Tanks, Three Reception Tanks (Hydrolysis Tanks), Waste Storage Facility (Permeate Tank), Solids Storage, Waste Transfer, Feed Storage Runoff Controls, and an Alternate Design or Practice for Minimum Velocity in a Waste Transfer Pipe at Brooks Farms Dairy. An application for permit modification for the addition of a digester and its associated sample points is anticipated to be submitted to the department in 2024. A permit modification is required prior to operation of the digester. To date, the department has not received this modification request.

WPDES permit application and related documents

View information submitted to date related to the WPDES permit application for Brooks Farms Dairy LLC.

Additional Materials

Overview of the CAFO WPDES permit issuance process  (including opportunities for public comment and a public informational hearing)