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Badgerwood, LLC. CAFO Permit

On February 13, 2015, the Department of Natural Resources received a final Wisconsin Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (WPDES) permit application for Badgerwood, LLC, a proposed Concentrated Animal Feeding Operation (CAFO) in Bayfield County. WPDES permits are water quality protection permits designed to ensure proper storage and handling of manure from larger-scale livestock operations. The WPDES permit program does not have authority to address odor, noise, traffic or other issues not related to water quality.

The operation would house approximately 7,500 sows, 18,750 pigs, and 100 boars. This is equal to 6,162 animal units. Structures at the site would include three barns with concrete manure storage structures located under each barn, to provide more than 180 days of liquid manure storage. Manure would be removed from storage and land applied according to an approved nutrient management plan.

Based on review of the WPDES permit application, the department determined that the application was incomplete and requested additional information [DNR FTP] on March 17, 2015. The department placed the WPDES permit and associated EIS process on hold and at this time, has taken no further action regarding this project.

EIS process

The department decided, pursuant to s. NR 150.20(4)(b), Wis. Adm. Code [exit DNR], to use the Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) process as the best approach to achieve WEPA compliance for the proposed Badgerwood swine operation.

EIS process status, June 2018

An EIS scoping process was completed in the fall of 2015 to gather public input on the scope of issues to be addressed in the analysis. From the late fall of 2015 through early 2016, the DNR began writing some sections of the Draft EIS based on the initial project information submittals. In the spring of 2016, we reached a point where we could not proceed in developing further details of the analysis until revised plans and applications were received. No additional, substantive information has been received from the applicant in over two years; therefore, DNR has closed the EIS file on this proposal and would need to re-initiate the process if new submittals are received in the future.

EIS process steps

The DNR will use the scoping comments and other information to prepare a draft impact statement document. The EIS process will follow these general steps.

  1. Scoping - defining the topics and information sources to be considered and the analytical methods to be employed.
  2. Information gathering and analysis.
  3. Draft EIS document preparation.
  4. Draft EIS public review - minimum 30 day public comment period and hearing.
  5. Comment response - the department will consider all comments received, and may revise the analysis if warranted.
  6. Public notified when final EIS is complete and department has made a determination of compliance with the requirements of Chapter NR 150 of the Wisconsin Administrative Code, and section 1.11 of the Wisconsin Statutes.
  7. Final permit decisions can be made after the final EIS and determination.
DNR decision to follow the EIS process
Public announcement and determination of the scope of analysis with public input
Information gathering and analysis
DNR prepares draft environmental impact statement (EIS)
Draft EIS public announcement and public review of at least 30 days and a hearing
Consideration of public comments and analysis revision
DNR news release of final EIS and Wisconsin Environmental Policy Act (WEPA) compliance determination

Available portions of the WPDES permit application

The following application materials for Badgerwood LLC have been received by the department.

Document type Description Contact
WPDES permit application forms [DNR FTP] WPDES permit application forms and general operation information including:
  • Forms 3400-25 & 25A
  • Environmental Review Questionnaire
  • Site maps
  • 180-day storage calculation
Ben Uvaas
Design plans [DNR FTP]
  • Design plans for manure storage, feed storage and other structures
  • Wetland delineation report
Bernie Michaud
Nutrient management plan (NMP) [DNR FTP] Nutrient management plans, including:
  • NMP dated February 13, 2015
  • NMP review letter
  • NMP dated April 30, 2015
Aaron O’Rourke
Contact information
For information on the Badgerwood, LLC CAFO, contact the
DNR agency spokesperson