Due to popular demand, we have added a Winter Youth Archery Clinic!
This free archery clinic for kids ages 8 -15 will introduce your child to the sport of archery or help sharpen their skills.
Join the Friends of Pike Lake as they celebrate the beginning of summer during the Wisconsin DNR’s Free Fun Weekend!
Learn the basics of shooting a bow, from traditional archery to compound basics.
There is beauty all around us! Join MacKenzie naturalists to discover "nature art." We'll collect our own materials to create art with mostly natural items.
This beginner crossbow and compound bow class is a great for those new to the sport and those with previous experience that are seeking additional training.
educators at the Peninsula State Park Nature Center for an introduction to archery!
In this two-day class, learn to hunt turkeys with archery equipment.
This free archery clinic for kids ages 8-15, will introduce your child to the sport of archery or help sharpen their skills. This clinic is open to all skill levels. Bows will be provided so please do not bring any of your own gear. Please call 608-…
Have you ever been interested in archery or have shot a few times but want to know more? This free event is open to all women ages 8 and up. Call 608-635-8112 to register or for more information. Registration is required. Bows will be provided so…