The Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources (DNR) today announced DNR Secretary Adam N. Payne signed the new Green Tier Charter for Climate Action.
The DNR will provide information and take comments on the proposed Green Tier Charter for Climate Action.
The Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources (DNR) has released a climate action report highlighting agency accomplishments in 2021 related to climate change and environmental equity.
At the heart of the DNR's mission is ensuring the right of all people to use and enjoy a healthy, sustainable environment, offering a full range of outdoor opportunities and bringing people of diverse perspectives together to carry out the public…
The department is hosting a kickoff meeting with interested parties to discuss a proposed Green Tier Charter for Climate Action.
The Wisconsin Initiative on Climate Change Impacts (WICCI) today released its 2021 climate assessment report, Wisconsin’s Changing Climate: Impacts and Solutions for a Warmer Climate. The report is the most comprehensive assessment to date on the impact of climate change in Wisconsin and includes details on the continued warming and increased precipitation throughout the state.
International The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) is the United Nations' scientific body for assessing climate change. The objective of the IPCC is to provide scientific reports to the world's policy makers so they can understand…
Wisconsin’s climate is changing, with far-ranging consequences for the state’s communities, world-renowned natural resources and major economic sectors.