The Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources (DNR) today announced the release of the Sustainability and Business Support section's 2023-24 report.
The EDGE Advisory Group provides input to DNR staff on the implementation of the EDGE pilot program established under 2017 Wisconsin Act 70.
The EDGE Advisory Group provides input to department staff on the implementation of the EDGE pilot program established under 2017 Wisconsin Act 70.
This will discuss the timber harvest near Whitney Lake, and the best management practices used in that timber harvest.
This is a regular meeting of the team developing DNR Technical Standard 1072 Horizontal Directional Drilling.
This will be a special meeting of the Nonmotorized Recreation and Transportation Trails Council (NRTTC).
The Council will discuss plans for future meetings, membership and hear from program staff on recent activities.
The Wisconsin Natural Resources Board will meet in-person for the April board meeting to consider several proposed rules, hearings, land items and donations.
This is public notice of the availability of a nutrient management plan and informational hearing and intent to issue a Wisconsin pollutant discharge elimination system (WPDES) permit no.wi-0066851-01-0, Draves Dairy, LLC.
Local governments (towns, cities, villages and counties) and the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources (DNR) work together in many ways. We partner to enhance natural resources, ensure the health and safety of our residents, and strive to ensure…