Summer Tribal Youth Program
Matching funds are available to Wisconsin tribes for the development of a summer program that provides tribal youth (ages 13-19) with an opportunity to work on projects related to natural resource conservation.
Funding is available to Wisconsin tribes to establish a summer program for youth to work on projects related to the conservation of natural resources. All federally recognized American Indian tribes or bands domiciled in Wisconsin are eligible to apply.
Program Requirements
- Youth must be between the ages of 13-19.
- Youth must be tribal or band members.
- Project must be related to the conservation of natural resources.
- Safety training must be conducted if needed.
- Grant may not exceed 50% of the total cost.
- Goals and objectives must be defined.
- There must be mentorship/educational components in the project.
- After completion of the summer program, interview/survey youth about the project and their interest in working in the natural resources field. Include this information in the final summary report.
- By March 1, provide a summary report that outlines the project, the goals and objectives achieved and the overall success of the project. Include photos of the youth in action and names and ages of the youth involved in the project.
- By March 1, Grant Closeout Package must be submitted.
Program Recommendations
- Include both male and female youth.
- Youth should give a presentation on their experience to the tribal council and/or elders or youth.
Additional information
- Leaders for the program do not have to be between the ages of 13-19.
- To be eligible for grant funding, youth must be between the ages of 13-19 and tribal/band members. You may include other youth in the program, however, you cannot receive grant funding for their participation.
- While there are a few requirements listed above, this is open to any project you believe will suit your tribe, location, resources and youth.
- All tribes that apply and meet grant requirements will receive a grant. All applicants will receive their requested amount up to $22,727. If there are additional funds available, they will be distributed on an equal basis to those applicants whose request exceeded $22,727.
- Each tribe is encouraged to submit one proposal. The proposal may include more than one project. The proposal should show estimated overall costs, even if the total exceeds $22,727. After annual allocation, unused funds will be distributed equally to tribes that requested more than their $22,727 allotment.
- If there are additional funds available after all initial grants have been funded, tribes will be notified that they may submit another proposal. The funding will be allocated equally among all tribes applying for this remaining funding.
We encourage you to discuss your project with one of the DNR contacts who will be able to guide you as you develop your project. The type of project will dictate what items are eligible.
Examples of eligible items
- Salaries, wages and benefits for employees actively involved in the program.
- Youth stipend/salary.
- Indirect costs.
- Purchased services – examples: printing, mailing, room rental.
- Office space dedicated to this program.
- Program recruitment and materials (limited to 3% of the grant request).
- Hourly equipment rental charges.
- Vehicle/equipment rental costs.
- Training.
- Construction materials (limited to 5% of the grant request).
- In-kind contributions: non-cash contributions of materials, equipment, services or labor provided that are reasonable and necessary for carrying out the project and meet the same test of eligibility as any other cost item. The value of in-kind contributions is what the sponsor would pay for similar services, materials, equipment or labor based on existing contracts, schedules or on the open market.
- The maximum value of donated labor shall be $12 per hour.
- The value of donated equipment shall conform to the WI Department of Transportation county highway rates for equipment. If equipment is owned by the tribe only hours the equipment is actually in use will be eligible.
- The value of donated materials and services shall conform to market rates and be established by invoice.
Please note: Federal funds/grants may be used as a match for this program.
Grant Annual Program Timeline
January | DNR outreach to Wisconsin tribes and bands about upcoming grant cycle |
March 1 | Tribes and bands to submit grant applications to the DNR |
March 1 | Tribes and bands to submit previous years Grant Closeout Package and Summary Report to the DNR |
April 15 | DNR to mail grant agreements to tribes and Bands |
May 1 | Tribes and bands to return signed grant agreements to DNR |
May 15 | DNR to send out grant payment |
June 1 - September 1 | Tribes and bands complete projects. Submittal of any Change Orders are accepted during this time |
Note: dates that fall on non-business days are moved to the next business day |
All applications must be accompanied by:
- An estimated project budget [Excel] as provided by the DNR (click "Enable Editing" to fill out)
- Goals and measurable objectives (see sample)
- DNR application Form 8700-347
- Authorizing Resolution: Every grant application must include a resolution adopted by the tribe’s governing body. (See sample resolution) This resolution must request financial assistance from the DNR and authorize one representative, preferably by “title” rather than name, to act on behalf of the tribe by:
- Submitting an application
- Signing a grant agreement
- Taking necessary action to complete the proposed project
- Submitting Grant Closeout Documentation to the DNR
- Submitting a final report
- Resolve that the applicant has funding from sources for the local match
Application Review
The applications will be reviewed by a team for both completeness and adherence to grant and statute requirements. If additional information/clarification is needed, someone from the department will contact you.
Final Report Requirements
A final report is due March 1 following the current program year. The report must include:
- A summary of the project and its overall success
- Review of goals and objectives achieved
- Photos of the youth actively involved in the project
- Photos of completed projects (these are encouraged but not required)
- Written reviews of the summer program from the students (these are encouraged but not required.) See our sample Student Review
Trouble downloading forms? see: Troubleshooting tips
- Program Guidance
- Summer Tribal Youth Program Project Application Form 8700-347
- Estimated Project Budget [Excel] - click "Enable Editing" to fill out
- SAMPLE: Estimated Project Budget
- SAMPLE: Resolution
- SAMPLE: Goals and Objectives
- SAMPLE: Student Review
- DOT Equipment Rates [PDF exit DNR]
- Accessibility Guidance for Grant Funded Projects (CF-031)
Trouble downloading forms? see: Troubleshooting tips
Contact information
Wendy Soleska
DNR Community Financial Assistance