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Go Wild secures your license, permits, harvest authorizations, state stamps and hunter safety education information online which can be accessed through a variety of items including your original paper document, a paper reprint, an optional conservation card, your authenticated Wisconsin driver's license, or a department-generated PDF displayed on your electronic device - no more worries about losing your one and only copy. Depending on which item you choose to use, you will have access to all of these records. Please note all forms of proof are NOT acceptable for all types of authorizations - see tables below for details.

Original or reprint

Original issued at the point of sale.

Reprints of paper licenses, tags, state stamps and safety certifications available in one of three ways.

  1. Reprint yourself from your online DNR account
  2. Request a reprint at no charge from a DNR Service Center
  3. Purchase a reprint from any license agent for a $2 fee

Conservation card


 Go Wild Conservation Card back


Go Wild Conservation Card.

  • Optional card that never expires
  • Live link to your DNR account
  • Order through Go Wild: Allow 2-3 weeks for delivery
  • Collectible - new design each year

Authenticated Wisconsin driver's license

To authenticate your Wisconsin driver's license, you must be 18 years of age or older and present your license to a license agent to be entered into your account or enter the number for online purchases. Your information is authenticated if you were able to receive resident pricing online (visit to log into your account). Authentication will display on the sales screen at the agent locations.

Department-generated PDF image

Download PDF file from your online DNR account.

Display image of PDF file on your smart phone or other electronic device.

Acceptable forms of proof

Below are acceptable forms of proof in lieu of carrying your original paper document issued at the point of sale.

Note: The products listed in each table are the only acceptable products for which a form of proof other than the original document is authorized.



AuthorizationOriginal hard-copy documentHard-copy reprintAuthenticated WI Driver's LicenseWI Conservation CardDigital file issued by the department displayed on electronic device
Safety certificates [hunter ed., bow hunter ed., and trapper ed.]YESYESYESYESYES
All hunting licenses and *stamps, trapping licenses, and fishing licenses and stamps used on inland waters that are NOT boundary waters or outlying waters.YESYESYESYESYES
All fishing licenses and stamps used on boundary waters or outlying watersYESYESNONONO
Carcass tag for bear, sharp-tailed grouse or sturgeon that has not been validated or used to harvest an animal.YESYESNONONO
Disabled hunting and trolling permitsYESYESYESYESYES
Deer, turkey, fisher and otter harvest authorizations; goose permitsYESYESYESYESYES
Wolf and bobcat carcass/pelt tagsYESNONONONO

*Federal Ducks Stamps can be purchased via the Go Wild licensing system (additional processing fees are charged) or at a Post Office. It is required to carry the E-Stamp certification received after your Go Wild purchase when hunting (digital image or hardcopy) or have the physical stamp you have received from the Post Office. If the stamp was purchased from another state’s licensing system, you will need to carry the hardcopy E-Stamp certification. Physical stamps must be signed while the E-Stamp Certification does not need to be signed.

Recreational vehicles

Recreational vehicles

AuthorizationOriginal hard-copy documentHard-copy reprintAuthenticated WI Driver's LicenseWI Conservation CardDigital file issued by the department displayed on electronic device
Temporary trail use receipt (ATV/UTV or snowmobile)YESYESNONOYES
Temporary operating receipt for ATV/UTV, off-highway motorcycle, boat or snowmobile registrationYESYESNONOYES
Safety certificates (ATV/UTV, off-highway motorcycle, boat, snowmobile)YESYESNONOYES
Registration certificates (ATV/UTV, off-highway motorcycle, boat or snowmobile)YESNONONONO



AuthorizationOriginal hard-copy documentHard-copy reprintAuthenticated WI Driver's LicenseWI Conservation CardDigital file issued by the department displayed on electronic device
Wild ginseng dealer and harvester licenseYESYESNONOYES
Wild rice harvest licenses and ID cardsYESYESYESYESYES
WI Disabled Veteran Recreation Card: Park Admission and Trail PassYESYESNONONO