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Protect the waters of the state

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Public Notice and Comment: 

The DNR is seeking comments on proposed administrative rule NR 320, which updates and consolidates five rules related to placing structures and crossings in waterways. See more at Waterways Permitting Process 

You can help us preserve Wisconsin waters for current and future enjoyment.

Why We Regulate Waterways

Waterway regulations keep waterways safe and accessible to all Wisconsinites

Do I Need a Permit?

Find answers to questions about waterway, wetland and shoreland permits

Start a Permit

Find the permits you need for your waterfront property projects in the DNR’s ePermitting system

Shoreline Protection Projects

Explore waterways regulations for stream bank erosion control, lakeshore maintenance, and beach maintenance


Explore waterways regulations for bridges, culverts, fords, and temporary crossings

Dredging and Grading

Explore regulations and requirements for dredging and grading projects

Recreation Projects

Explore waterways regulations for boat structures, piers and docks, buoys, and more

Waterways Permit Process

Review the permitting process for exemptions, general permits, and individual permits for waterways projects
Waterways Permit Process

Ponds and Habitat Projects

Explore waterways regulations for ponds and fish and habitat wildlife structures
Ponds and Habitat Projects

Nonmetallic Mining and Cranberry Projects

Explore waterways regulations related to nonmetallic mining and cranberry operations
Nonmetallic Mining and Cranberry Projects

Miscellaneous Structures

Explore waterway regulations for intake and outfall structures, pilings, dry fire hydrants, and more
Miscellaneous Structures

Pier Frequently Asked Questions

Read through common questions about pier design, projects, and regulations
Pier Frequently Asked Questions

Waterways Contacts

Waterways Contacts